A big part of the financial services industry has a vested interest in convincing you that the key to a successful investment experience is staying busy. Where you stand in the debate about staying "busy" by thinking like a trader often depends on whether you see investment as the means to an end or as an end in itself!
Take harder look at advisers' cosy commissions
Have you ever asked your financial adviser a raft of questions like ... "In the advice you are giving me today are there any benefits you are going to receive?" It's is worth asking!
Tax Residency Alert: Are you ready?
Globalisation has made it easier for people to invest money outside their tax residence jurisdiction. This has provided opportunities for offshore tax evasion.
Going green with your investments
According to a global sustainable investment group that covers Australia, New Zealand and other developed nations, assets managed under "responsible investment" strategies increased by 25 per cent between 2014-16 to US$22.89 trillion.
Money talks with your kids
Providing our kids with a strong financial foundation starts early and at home. To become a positive financial mentor for children means understanding how to approach the conversations.
The espresso portfolio
When you haven't got much capital of your own, the road to financial security can seem long, hard and complex. But the truth is that wealth building is relatively simple. All it takes is time and the price of a cup of coffee.
… as Aussie dealer group head issues repeat warning on FSLAB
“Quite a lot of (FSLAB) is similar to what we experienced across the ditch,” Mancell told a group of NZ advisers last week. “You should be cautious about the legislation coming your way.”
Unhealthy attachments to bad investments
Have you ever made yourself suffer through a bad movie because, having paid for the cinema ticket, you felt you had to get your money's worth? Some people treat investment the same way.
Everything about Wills
Wills are something every New Zealand adult should have. Will allow you to say what you want to happen to your property after you die—even though you won’t be there to say it yourself. And yet every year, thousands of New Zealanders die without a will.
Ready for KiwiSaver Member Tax Credit?
For every dollar that you put into your KiwiSaver account, the government will put in 50 cents, up to a maximum of $521.43 per KiwiSaver year.
Which hat are you wearing?
Most of us have multiple roles — as business owners, professionals, workers, consumers, citizens, students, parents, and investors. So, our views of the world can differ according to whatever hat we're wearing at any one time.
Rainy-day Investing
Like farmers planning a harvest, investors pinning their expectations on statements about arithmetical "average" investment returns can be disappointed. As with rainfall, market returns are rarely evenly distributed either across time or place.
A retirement confab with the folks
It's easy to avoid discussing money with your parents, and in some families, the subject is almost taboo.The topic doesn't become easier to broach as parents and children age, but it does become more important.
The future of data in financial advice
The ongoing revelations about how Cambridge Analytica exploited Facebook to harvest millions of profiles have laid bare the seeming lack of control we have over our own data.
Set money goals you'll stick to...
Are you good with money? If so, you’ll know how satisfying it can be to decide what you want to achieve, plan how to get there and then sit back to watch your money grow.
In and out of currency fashion
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are receiving intense media coverage, prompting many investors to wonder whether these new types of electronic money deserve a place in their portfolios.What are investors to make of all this media attention? What place, if any, should bitcoin play in a diversified portfolio?
Fine-wine investment too good to be true
Wine investment has barely been on the scene for two decades, and If you have a taste for investing in wine, it could be a hobby worth the money one can spare.
Protect your business against the unexpected
A business is only as good as its people.Although you may have implemented plans to protect your buildings and equipment, it's important you don't forget about protecting one of your most important assets - your people.
KiwiSaver Vs. Volatility
Early in February after a long period of relative calm, the world found out that markets do contain a level of volatility they move up and DOWN and sometimes they can move quite quickly. What does this all mean to your average KiwiSaver investor… not much.
Why We Do What We Do: Stories that motivates us.
Life insurance is one of those things—you don't want to learn how important it is once it's too late. But that doesn't mean we know all the right things to do when it comes to getting a policy