
What is asset allocation for KiwiSaver funds?

Most KiwiSaver providers let their customers choose how their balance is invested, by choosing the fund type to invest their contributions and employer contributions in. The KiwiSaver fund types have different ways of investing money, for example different combinations of cash allocations or shares.

Let World Cup teach you investment lessons

Belgium, France, England, or Croatia? Which football team are you betting on this World Cup? If you are a stock investor and an avid football fan, the soccer field can be a good place for a few investment lessons.

Which hat are you wearing?

Most of us have multiple roles — as business owners, professionals, workers, consumers, citizens, students, parents, and investors. So, our views of the world can differ according to whatever hat we're wearing at any one time.

Rainy-day Investing

Like farmers planning a harvest, investors pinning their expectations on statements about arithmetical "average" investment returns can be disappointed. As with rainfall, market returns are rarely evenly distributed either across time or place.

In and out of currency fashion

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are receiving intense media coverage, prompting many investors to wonder whether these new types of electronic money deserve a place in their portfolios.What are investors to make of all this media attention? What place, if any, should bitcoin play in a diversified portfolio?

KiwiSaver Vs. Volatility

Early in February after a long period of relative calm, the world found out that markets do contain a level of volatility they move up and DOWN and sometimes they can move quite quickly. What does this all mean to your average KiwiSaver investor… not much.

Should I consider dollar cost averaging?

We are sometimes asked about dollar cost averaging when investing client funds and whether this is a good idea. It is certainly something which should be considered, particularly for first time investors, and those whom are introducing a substantial lump sum deposit into their investment portfolio.

Reading the tea leaves

Investors at year-end are inclined to reflect on the 12 months gone and muse on what the coming year might bring.Aware of this appetite for speculation, the media tends to feed it with forecasts. These articles can be fun to read but are even more so a year later.