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share market

Beyond 2020 and Elections

On the night of October 17, 2020, I like five million other Kiwis, watched the general election results roll in. Based on pre-election polls there was little doubt that Labour would form the government again. the New Zealand markets were unrattled by the result and looked pretty steady with investors relaxed after the Labour Party secured a historic majority in the general election.

Pandemic, the markets, and your money | Covid-19 Special Focus

There is currently a lot going on: coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, market volatility, interest rate cuts, cancelled meetings, oil supply war and the upcoming US election. In short, COVID-19 presented a new variable, one not on anyone’s radar. So what does this mean for your investments, your business and for the economy?

Should I consider dollar cost averaging?

We are sometimes asked about dollar cost averaging when investing client funds and whether this is a good idea. It is certainly something which should be considered, particularly for first time investors, and those whom are introducing a substantial lump sum deposit into their investment portfolio.